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Border Southwest CCDA      2024 RESOURCES

Foot Tracks on Sand

Psalm 23 will provide the Shepherding


0pm Registration / Check In
4:30pm Welcome, Icebreaker, Orientation/Preview of the Gathering Schedule/Time
5:00pm Dinner
6:00pm Music/Worship
6:15pm “From Rele
7:15pm “ Prayer”
8:15pm Prayer and dismissal, reminder of when next day starts, options for evening activities
8:30pm Fiesta
8:00am Breakfast
8:30am Music/Worship
9:00am Reflection on Psalm 23 :5  by Akua Anoke

10:00am From Popularity…” “ Ministry” by Rosa Mani Thomas
11:00am Closing out of morning session, instructions on lunch and the activities for the rest of the afternoon
11:15am Lunch and Instructions on Breakout Activities
12:00pm Breakouts, Time for Reflection, time to rest, time to gather, etc
5:00pm Music/Worship
5:45pm Prayer and dismissal for dinner & evening options, reminder of when next day starts, options for evening activities
6:00pm Dinner
8:00am Breakfast
8:30am Music/Worship
9:00am “From Leading…”
10:00am “ Being Led”
11:00am final song, Eucharist at Border
11:45am dismissal
12:00pm see you next year!

Foot Tracks on Sand


Abara House

1720 W. Paisano Dr.

El Paso, TX 79922

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